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javascript - Angular insist I add standalone = true, despite using Angular 19
Stack Overflow
My angular config: @Component({ selector: 'app-root', imports: [RouterOutlet, JsonPipe, HeadComponent], templateUrl: '.
2 hours ago
javascript - Cannot Connect banking Via Plaid TomorrowIdeas
Stack Overflow
All I'm getting is an error from plaid. Something went wrong, Interal error occurred. I do not know what to do and or how to fix it.
2 hours ago
webpack - show string array resource in kmp using wasmjs
Stack Overflow
From a project generated con Kotlin Multiplatform Wizard. I'm testing a web application with wasmJs (webpack-dev-server@4.15.2). If I try to...
3 hours ago
how to auto sum of my student subject numbers in the following ft_total field by students id [closed]
Stack Overflow
my main table name users table. my eloquent table name assign_students. i want to sum my students subject marks automatically by students id...
3 hours ago
wpf - How to Display Arrows for MenuItem?
Stack Overflow
I am working on/learning WPF to use with PowerShell. I needed a customized MenuItem, and I managed to come up with the code below.
3 hours ago
java - Flutter SDK XML versions
Stack Overflow
Can someone help me with this error. java version is comptatible with gradle. build and gradle.settings are fine.
3 hours ago
azure - Why am I asked to switch directories when I try to add a new subscription to my tenant?
Stack Overflow
I have recently signed up into Azure with my personal email. This created a "Default Directory" which contains an "Azure subscription 1"...
3 hours ago
azure devops - How to deploy .NET Core 3.1 project to webjob?
Stack Overflow
How do we set up build/release pipelines in Azure Devops to automatically deploy a .NET Core 3.1 project as a webjob?
4 hours ago
average - Slice the rate based on a certain filter
Stack Overflow
I'm actually working on a project and i need an help to do a specific task. I have data table Student : enter image description here.
3 hours ago
python 3.x - Django Website throws error after spamming refresh
Stack Overflow
I have a Django 1.8.4 app that uses python 3.6.9. The problem occurs when i refresh the page like ~10-20 times. I get the following error:.
4 hours ago