Title, Index generum ad Caroli a Linne species plantarum a Carolo Ludovico Willdenow editarvm in Tom. I.II.III et IV.Part.I ; Author, Johannes-Christian Hendel.
General notes: The pagination of the second part continues that of tom. 5. pt. 1 of Willdenow's edition of “Species plantarum,” published in 1810.
Index generum ad Caroli a Linné "Species plantarum" a Carolo Ludovico Willdenow editarum, in tom. I., II., III., et IV., part. I, curante Jo. Chr. Hendel.
Missing: editarvm | Show results with:editarvm
|a Index generum ad Caroli a Linné Species plantarum : |b a Carolo Ludovico Willdenow editarum / |c curante Io. Chr. Hendel. 260, |a Halae : |b ...
Missing: editarvm Tom. et IV.
; Index generum ad Caroli a Linné Species plantarum a Carolo Ludovico Willdenow editarvm in Tom. I. II. III. et IV. Part I. ; Hendel, Johann Christian ; ; ...
Index generum ad Caroli a Linné Species plantarum a Carolo Ludovico Willdenow editarum in tom. I, II, III et IV, part I [en part.]II / Io. Christ. Hendel. Index ...
Missing: editarvm | Show results with:editarvm
... Index generum ad Caroli a Linné Species plantarum a Carolo Ludovico Willdenow editarvm in Tom. I. II. III. et IV. Part I ... Linné, Carl von: Species plantarum.
Index generum ad Caroli a Linné Species plantarum a Carolo Ludovico Willdenow editarvm in Tom. I. II. III. et IV. Part I. Hendel, Johann Christian, 516, 1806 ...
Nomenclator botanicvs, sistens plantas omnes in Caroli a Linné speciebvs plantarvm ab illvstri D. Carolo Lvdovico Willdenow envmeratas.
Sep 24, 2009 · The Biodiversity Heritage Library works collaboratively to make biodiversity literature openly available to the world as part of a global ...
Missing: Index generum Caroli editarvm Tom. IV.