Handbook of Research on Digital Information Technologies: Innovations, Methods, and Ethical Issues [Hansson, Thomas] on
This timely handbook addresses the need for information on the current state of techniques and practices by presenting a full array of successful designs, ...
Handbook of Research on Digital Information Technologies: Innovations, Methods, and Ethical Issues

Handbook of Research on Digital Information Technologies: Innovations, Methods, and Ethical Issues

Book by Thomas Hansson
Many people today struggle with problematic ICT interfaces in their attempts to adapt to the ever-changing digital information environment. To effectively address these issues with strong, highly usable, and effective solutions, it is essential to... Google Books
Originally published: 2008
"This book provides a collection of successful designs, defined as communicative relation-building solutions, for individuals and collectives of interlocutors.
Aug 6, 2019 ˇ Handbook of research on digital technologies: innovations, methods, and ethical issues. Ed. by Thomas Hansson. Hershey, PA: IGI Global/ ...
The handbook also includes a longitudinal perspective of past mistakes, current trends and future opportunities, and is a must-have for beginners in the field ...
E-Book. Handbook of research on digital information technologies : innovations, methods, and ethical issues / Thomas Hansson, [editor]. By: Hansson, Thomas.
The handbook also includes a longitudinal perspective of past mistakes, current trends and future opportunities, and is a musthave for beginners in the field as ...
Handbook of Research on Digital Information Technologies: Innovations, Methods, and Ethical Issues - Hardcover ; Publisher: Information Science Reference, 2008.
The handbook also includes a longitudinal perspective of past mistakes, current trends and future opportunities, and is a musthave for beginners in the field as ...
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Handbook of Research on Digital Information Technologies is written by Thomas Hansson and published by Information Science Reference.