Sep 15, 2015 · We provide evidence for the first time showing that the common p.Arg1931* loss-of-function variant in FANCM is a risk factor for familial breast cancer.
5791C>T variant is due to a direct impairment of the DNA damage response as for the FA downstream effectors. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are established breast cancer risk ...
; FANCM c.5791C>T nonsense mutation (rs144567652) induces exon skipping, affects DNA repair activity and is a familial breast cancer risk factor. ; ...
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Oct 29, 2020 · FANCM c.5791C>T nonsense mutation (rs144567652) induces exon skipping, affects DNA repair activity and is a familial breast cancer risk factor.
FANCM c.5791C > T nonsense mutation (rs144567652) induces exon skipping, affects DNA repair activity and is a familial breast cancer risk factor. Article ...
Sep 28, 2021 · FANCM c.5791C>T nonsense mutation (rs144567652) induces exon skipping, affects DNA repair activity and is a familial breast cancer risk factor.
Feb 17, 2023 · FANCM c.5791C>T nonsense mutation (rs144567652) induces exon skipping, affects DNA repair activity and is a familial breast cancer risk factor.
Rare FANCM mutations contribute to about 1% of high-risk male breast cancer cases. FANCM mutations were found in cases with young age of male breast cancer ...
Mutations in genes involved in Fanconi anemia (FA)/BRCA DNA repair pathway cause cancer susceptibility diseases including familial breast cancer and Fanconi ...
Jul 12, 2017 · The FANCM c.5791C>T mutation has been found to associate with familial breast cancer and TNBC [13, 14]. It has also been reported in the Finnish ...