There are several indications that an opaque partonic medium is created in energetic Au+Au collisions ({radical}s{sub NN} {approx} GeV/nucleon) at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC).
Au+Au collisions at [square root of] [superscript]s nn = 130 and 200 GeV at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider have opened a new energy regime for studying nucleus-nucleus collisions.
Simone Schuchmann. 15. P.B. Gossiaux et al., Gluon radiation by heavy quarks at intermediate energies and consequences for the mass hierarchy of energy loss ... collisions at √ sNN 2.76 TeV. Phys. Rev. C 88, 044910 (2013). doi:10.1103 ...
In addition, it also touched the important problem of hadronization process in high-energy collisions. Therefore a systematic study with different approaches becomes necessary.