Corrosion studies with high burnup LWR fuel in simulated groundwater. In ... The burnup dependence of light water reactor spent fuel oxidation. Report.
Corrosion studies with high burnup light water reactor fuel. Release of nuclides into simulated groundwater during accumulated contac time of up to two ...
Dec 15, 2022 · This study demonstrates that hydrogen suppresses oxidative fuel matrix dissolution even for very high burnup fuels with a relatively short ...
Dec 1, 2012 · The results show that the fuel sample preparation method has a significant impact on the release from high burnup fuel samples over the time ...
The results show that the fuel sample preparation method has a significant impact on the release from high burnup fuel samples over the time period covered by ...
The introduction of MOX fuel into the cores of light water reactors and the steadily increasing goal burnup of the fuel call for research work, both ...
Cladding materials with increased corrosion resistance were demanded in the. 1990s to achieve even higher fuel burn-up while maintaining fuel reliability. Nb- ...
These studies consisted of large (5 g to 10 g) samples of spent fuel oxidized at temperatures <2550C in dry-bath ovens. The samples oxidized in a dry bath ...
In addition the higher temperatures and exposure times in corrosive environments will require much higher corrosion resistance than current materials. One ...
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The meeting was a success and covered a number of the most important aspects of high buriup fuel utilization, behaviour and development.