Alina Frank is a leading EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) practitioner, trainer, and author with over 20 years of experience in Clinical EFT.
Alina Frank

Alina Frank

Since using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) to heal herself of issues relating to sexuality and childbirth, Alina Frank has successfully used it to help thousands of clients and students. She has been consistently rated one of the top... Google Books
EFT Master Trainer of Trainers, Matrix Reimprinting Trainer USA, Producer of Science of Tapping Film, Director of EFT Relationship Coach Certification.
Why you can't miss this: Discover the power of EFT tapping for manifestation Uncover and release blocks in all areas of life - health, money, relationships, and ...
Alina Frank is the contributing author of 7 book on tapping and is the author of How To Want Sex Again, Rekindling Passion using EFT.
EFT Master Trainer of Trainers training and mentoring practitioners since 2006. Contributing author of 8 EFT books.
26 recorded videos of actual EFT client sessions in order to selective demonstrate the core principles and techniques of EFT called the EFT A to Z Series.
Alina Frank is an EFT Universe Trainer and Matrix ReImprinting practitioner; her site is Together they share their thoughts on the next ...
Alina Frank is a master trainer of trainers and, combined with Craig Weiner, she makes up half of the North American Matrix Reimprinting certified trainers.
Articles by Alina Frank · Racial Trauma · EFT Is Shadow Work · Are You Tapping on the Karate Chop or Side of Hand Point in EFT? · Power Differentials in Your ...