elephant Nau Oon Thai Elephant Conservation Center (TECC) från
This Action Plan considers elephant populations across Asia on the basis of size and provides recommendations to enhance their long-term survival.
elephant Nau Oon Thai Elephant Conservation Center (TECC) från
The Great Elephant Escape describes the liberation of two street elephants and their journey to the Elephant Nature Park.
elephant Nau Oon Thai Elephant Conservation Center (TECC) från
This report aims to contribute to elephant conservation in Thailand and throughout all elephant range States by presenting the status and trends of elephant and ivory trading in the country.
elephant Nau Oon Thai Elephant Conservation Center (TECC) från
Thai Thai's Very Curly Tail is a happy story about a young girl, Katie, who is volunteering with her mother at an elephant sanctuary in Thailand.
elephant Nau Oon Thai Elephant Conservation Center (TECC) från
Mahoutship, the art of training and caring for elephants, is disappearing along with the endangered domestic Asian elephant in Thailand.
elephant Nau Oon Thai Elephant Conservation Center (TECC) från
Om Svart som natten:"Mördarens identitet kommer som en total överraskning, men tycks sedan uppenbar – en smart personteckning och ett tillfredsställande slut på en fulländad och tänkvärd bok.” The Sunday Telegraf ”Återigen ...
elephant Nau Oon Thai Elephant Conservation Center (TECC) från
... Emynau Pantycelyn ( Rhymni ) 1990 , Sonata for flute and piano ( Harrogate Festival ) ... Conservation , Recreation and Amenity Organisations ( with Janet Dwyer ... Elephant ( Thailand ) 1996 ; Recreations books , music ; Clubs MCC ...