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"elephant" "Claire" Omahas Henry Doorly Zoo från
... Claire , a Ponca Indian himself . Le Claire based his typewritten account on notes he had taken in 1928 on what he ... elephant — indeed , a “ hairy elephant , ” according to Le Claire , and a living prehistoric animal ( my ...
"elephant" "Claire" Omahas Henry Doorly Zoo från
James Henri Howard, Peter Le Claire. They moved to another place where the little town of St. Helena is and from St ... Elephant ) and they also saw a prehistoric animal they called ( Wah - kon - da - gee ) . This animal was of long ...
"elephant" "Claire" Omahas Henry Doorly Zoo från
... Claire and Tony Conway, Paul Van Pooi, Jim Harshman and son, Charles Miles, Bill Rector, Catherine Gamer, Mr. Felt ... elephant, Modoc, last winter. She writes that the bull once saved her life in 1937 and that she visited it every ...
"elephant" "Claire" Omahas Henry Doorly Zoo från
... elephant act several years ago, now is with Billy Smart's Circus in England. ... A book by Alfred Court is causing ... Claire Brison, two seasons with Hagen Bros, as side show operators, will not be with that show next season. They ...
"elephant" "Claire" Omahas Henry Doorly Zoo från
... Henry Kyes, Dick Slayton and the Hannefords. They all attended a birthday party for Mrs. Tommy Hanneford. E ... elephant and named it Nancy Jum- bina. Dr. William Mann, of the zoo; Heinz Ruhe, animal dealer, and Claire and Tony ...
"elephant" "Claire" Omahas Henry Doorly Zoo från
... animal's coloration , described as “ drab - grey " ( like cinders ) . The opossum is found in north- ern ... elephant - shrew is found from north- east DRC ( Zaire ) and Uganda to Malawi and Mozambique . Claire Claire's Mouse ...
"elephant" "Claire" Omahas Henry Doorly Zoo från
... elephant truck burned at Georgetown, Del., and prompt fire department action saved other equipment. On Labor Day ... Claire Conway, Spencer Srine, Melvin Hildreth, the Gardners, Mr. Keegan and Dr. William Mann have been seeing much ...
"elephant" "Claire" Omahas Henry Doorly Zoo från
... Claire Mayer, Louisville, were married August 2 in Yankton. In Omaha, the Elks gave a party for the show' personnel ... Elephant Men, Ring Stock Groom. Also Concession Help, Candy Butchers. ':-v : Contact as per route,. JAMES. EDGAR ...
"elephant" "Claire" Omahas Henry Doorly Zoo från
... elephant man, with circuses, is Welch and Mr. and Mrs. Anderson in the office of the Interstate Company, . ing up ... Claire Joyal. Doug Camp over. Watch it some time. Harry Minor and Lew Woodruff cutting up Jackpots with Mac ...
"elephant" "Claire" Omahas Henry Doorly Zoo från
... Claire Fawcett, fan, hasn't missed a show. Recent visitors included Jerry Bangs, Jerry Woodell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank ... Elephant Act Photos — Set of 12 Post Card Prints, $3.95. Cash With Order — No C.O.D.. ORIIWOX,. INC. 481 BROADWAY ...