... elephant named Kasia (Katie). Unfortunately, Burdzinski died before the end of 1928 from acute pneumonia. His ... baby was the twelfth elephant to be born at a zoo. Many years later the scientific staff learned they were wrong, and ...
... elephant named Kasia (Katie). Unfortunately, Burdzinski died before the end of 1928 from acute pneu- monia. His ... baby was the twelfth ele- phant to be born at a zoo. Many years later the scientific staff learned they were wrong ...
... elephant . Macmillan , 1928 , $ 2.50 . The story of a baby elephant and a chimpanzee which is neither as clever nor as amusing as " Abdallah and the donkey , " but which is made very attractive by the author's excellent drawings of ...
... ELEPHANT . — ( Baroness Dombroroski ) . lan . $ 2.50 . K. O. S. Macmil- A ... KRAKOW . Eric P. Kelly . Macmillan . $ 2.50 . A fine and dignified story of ... BABY'S BIRTH- Name Street and No. City and State 2 FREE : Beautifully ...
Det här är den sanna berättelsen om den yngste pojken på Schindlers lista. Leon Leyson berättar sin gripande, fruktansvärda historia utan bitterhet, med egen röst och unika minnen.