
Ta reda på hur ordet uttalas pres·ent

  1. in a particular place.
    ”a doctor must be present at the ringside”
    synonymer: in attendance, attending, here, there, near, nearby, at hand, close/near at hand, adjacent, available, ready, accounted for
  2. existing or occurring now.
    ”she did not expect to find herself in her present situation”
    synonymer: current, present-day, existing, contemporary, immediate, instant

the period of time now occurring.
”they are happy and at peace, refusing to think beyond the present”
synonymer: now, today, the present time, the here and now, this day and age, the present moment, the time being

Fler frågor du kan ställa
present noun (NOW) ... this period of time, not the past or the future; now: The story moves back and forth between the past and the present.
the present (tense) ... the form of the verb that is used to show what happens or exists now: The verb in this sentence is in the present. The use of the present ...
adjective. pertaining to the current time. present → nuvarande;. in the immediate vicinity. present → närvarande;. noun. current time. present → nu; nutid;.
29 sep. 2022 · In the old days kids knocked (klappa) on the door with a log and threw in into the house when the door was opened. So it was an ironic gift.
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8 juli 2021 · In Swedish, there are five main tenses: one to express events in the present, three for the past (the past perfect, the past imperfect, the ...
Letar du efter den perfekta presenten? SmartaSaker har ett stort utbud av innovativa och uppskattade presenter för alla tillfällen.
Huvudsakliga översättningar. Engelska, Svenska. present n, (gift), present s. (omodern), gåva s. (på julen), klapp s. The birthday present was just what she ...
Översättningar · bokmål: presang m, gave mf, pakke mf (vardagligt) · bosniska: poklon m · danska: gave u · engelska: gift, present · franska: cadeau m, présent m ...