Photos of the Asian elephants at the Parc Pairi Daiza in Brugelette in Belgium. Parc Pairi Daiza : 22 Photos. Photo 21: Sammy, Claudy and Sandry - Copyright ...
1.0 Sammy, 10.07.33 fr. Ringling Br. - 05.03.38 †. 0.1 Mom, 1941 - 1952 †. 0.1 Mary, 24.07.47 - ca. 1952. 0.1 Mona, 24.07.47 - ca. 1952. 0.1 Susie, 01.11.52 - ...
Sammy, 1992 - 2009 † Amersfoort 2004, Shinto, born 1969. La Palmyre 2004. Siam, 1945-1997 † Paris 1995, Siporex, 1966-1999 † Hannover 1990, Sneezy, born 1972
1.0 Sammy, 26.03.92 birth - 11.05.93 to Amersfoort. 0.1 Dumbo, 24.05.93 - 12.05.95 from and to Antwerpen. 0.1 Nina, 01.10.93 birth - 31.03.05 to Dompierre. 0.1 ...
1.0 Sam, 20.03.86 from Grand Prairie- 10.11.89 † ; 1.0 Groucho, 25.04.86 from New York - 24.01.12 to Denver.
1.0 Sammy, 15.10.07 from Amersfoort - 03.07.09 to Brugelette ; 0.1 Tonya, 10.02.09 birth - 09.05.12 to Praha.
1.0 Sammy, 11.05.93 from Paris - 15.10.07 to Rotterdam. 0.1 Indra, 05.04.99 birth. 1.0 Alexander, 16.10.07 from Antwerpen - 05.07.11 to Münster. 0.1 Kina, 10.11 ...
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